Ozone and PM2.5 |
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AirNow Interactive Map
This map displays data from reference-grade air quality monitors at U.S. embassies and consulates around the world. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) data is available for all sites, and ozone data is available for >10 sites.
This program is a partnership between the Department of State (DoS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to inform U.S. personnel and citizens overseas. Learn more about the program here.
Click on a site to see the current NowCast Air Quality Index value with the associated color and health messaging, as well as the raw concentration number. All current readings are preliminary, unvalidated, and subject to change. Download historical data on the “Archive” tab or click on the “Historical” link in the tooltip for a given embassy or consulate.
See more information about the U.S. EPA Air Quality Index.
See more information about the NowCast AQI.
Learn about PM2.5 and ozone (printable guide here).
To use this map:
Current Air Quality
“Ozone and PM” refers to data for Ozone plus PM2.5. Each hour, the highest NowCast AQI among these 3 pollutants is displayed for each monitor.
Click on a monitor to reveal NowCast AQI and raw concentration data.
The search box has a dropdown menu of the sites, listed alphabetically by country.
Data usually updates during the second half of the hour. Refresh your screen periodically to see the most recent data.
Use the Time Slider to loop through NowCast AQI data for the last 24 hours. Use the pause button to stop at any hour. Use the arrows to move through hours one at a time.
Click on a monitor to reveal NowCast AQI and raw concentration data.
“Ozone and PM” refers to data for Ozone plus PM2.5. Each hour, the highest NowCast AQI among these 3 pollutants is displayed for each monitor.
Here you can see air quality data on a particular date. Use the Archive Date picker to choose a date. Cycle through years under the calendar. Cycle through months above the calendar.
For particle pollution, this is the average of 24 hourly values. For ozone, this is the maximum 8-hour ozone average in 24 hours.
Some archives go back further than others. You will see a message if the pollutant for the date you chose is not available.
The data feed for the archives provides the monitor ID, but monitor name and city name are not available.
“Ozone and PM” refers to data for Ozone plus PM2.5. Each hour, the highest NowCast AQI among these 3 pollutants is displayed for each monitor.
More information
Is your country interested in air quality monitoring? Check out AirNow International, the EPA's information package on how to set up a data management system for an air quality monitoring program.